
The following libraries are maintained within TeslaLibs and are available for public use. If you have any questions with using any of these libraries, feel free to send me a message or reach out to me in the #teslapowered channel of my Support Discord.

  • Animation: A basic utility library for animations (inventory and particle support)
  • Argument: An argument parsing library using functional-styled CommandElements
  • Command: An annotation and settings based library to implement commands
  • Configuration: A utility library for working with Configurate
  • Inventory: A GUI menu library supporting standard views, auto-paging, and animation
  • Message: A library for retrieving messages with translation support


It should be noted that the documented provided here is intended for convenience. The most reliable location for documentation is going to be in the Javadocs of the method in question. As such, this documentation is intended to provide an overview of the library to help get you started, but is by no means extensive - when in doubt, Javadocs!

Category: Developer Tools

Published on Mar 18, 2018




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