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TeslaPowered serves as the core code foundation for Tesla- plugins and contain any common or standard features. The project is segmented into a general-purpose API (TeslaLibs), and a specific implementation for TeslaPowered projects (TeslaCore).


The following libraries are maintained within TeslaLibs and are available for public use. If you have any questions with using any of these libraries, feel free to send me a message or reach out to me in the #teslapowered channel of my Support Discord.

  • Animation: A basic utility library for animations (inventory and particle support)
  • Argument: An argument parsing library using functional-styled CommandElements
  • Command: An annotation and settings based library to implement commands
  • Configuration: A utility library for working with Configurate
  • Inventory: A GUI menu library supporting standard views, auto-paging, and animation
  • Message: A library for retrieving messages with translation support


Contributions to TeslaPowered are highly encouraged, though I respectfully request that people inform me of their intentions prior to beginning a PR to ensure it does not conflict with an existing project underway. As above, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me.

Support Me

There’s a lot of time and effort that goes into creating projects like TeslaPowered, so if you’ve benefited from one of my plugins and appreciate the work I do please take some time and add a donation through PayPal. Thanks for your support!

Category: Developer Tools

Published on Mar 18, 2018




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