This plugin is designed to prevent all forms of grief.

In this page, we will explain how to start using GriefPrevention in your Sponge server step by step. Be sure that you are running GriefPrevention in a Sponge Server, not a Bukkit Server.

Getting Started



Grab the latest GriefPrevention jar from our official download page. Be sure to choose your correct Minecraft version, and keep it always updated! After the download drop it into your severs mods folder.

Now start your server once to generate all configuration files, to check if GriefPrevention was loaded sucessfully you can type /sponge plugins. Next shut down your server and start configuring your server.


NOTE: There are also a few options that have to be set using your permission system, you can read more about those on the Options wiki page.

All configuration files can be found in a folder called griefprevention in your servers config directory.

└── griefprevention/
    ├── GlobalPlayerData/
    ├── Logs/
    ├── worlds/
    │   ├── minecraft/
    │   │   ├── overworld/
    │   │   │   ├── world/
    │   │   │   │   ├── ClaimData/
    │   │   │   │   └── world.conf
    │   │   │   └── dimension.conf
    │   │   └── other...
    │   └── global.conf
    ├── _schemaVersion
    ├── bannedWords.txt
    ├── messages.conf
    └── softMute.txt

You can change a number of settings in the config file. The file has detailed annotations that should make it clear what each option does. There are three types of configs:

  • Global
  • Dimension
  • World

Global configuration files can affect all of a server’s worlds and dimensions. This is the default level for configs. Dimension configuration files are used to affect a certain dimension or group of worlds. These types of configs will override the global config files. World configuration files are used to modify individual worlds only. World configs override dimension and global configs. To enable the dimension or world configs you have to set config-enabled=true inside the config you want to be active.

Claim data can be found inside the folder of the dimension the claim is in, e.g. all overworld world claims are saved inside config/griefprevention/worlds/minecraft/overworld/world/ClaimData.

By default player data for all worlds combined is found inside the ´GlobalPlayerData´ folder at the root of the GriefGrevention configuration folder. If you set use-global-storage=false inside your global.conf each dimension will save its player data separately, this will for example change that accrued blocks are per dimension and related to the time spend in that specific dimension.


After install GriefPrevention correctly, you need to give your players permission to claim land, they aren’t given by default. The only permission needed for basic GP setup is griefprevention.user. For basic admin setup, use the permission griefprevention.admin.

If you want more fine tuned permissions you can find all permissions here and for a list of all command permissions & their usage check here.

To apply the above permissions in LuckPerms, run the following command

/lp group <defaultgroup> permission set griefprevention.user

For ´defaultgroup´ use your default group, use “default” if you don’t have one.