
Configuration files can be found in the config/smoofydungeon/worlds/ folder. There is one file for each world loaded with the following modifier: smoofydungeon:default. When you open a configuration file here is how it should look like:


This example shows you the general structure of a configuration file. (..... represents a more or less long list of items).


As you can see a configuration file is currently divided in two parts.


This field is used to hold a number that will indicate to SmoofyDungeon whether the configuration is outdated or not. You should never modify this number. If the configuration is outdated, SmoofyDungeon will make a backup of the file and try to update the structure to a newer version. If it’s not possible a new one will be generated.


This field is simply a list of the names of the populators enabled in the world. Remove an element to disable a populator or add an element to enable a populator. By default, all populators provided by SmoofyDungeon are enabled, for a list of these populators, open this page: Populators.

Category: Gameplay

Published on Mar 16, 2018




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