一个简单的掉落物管理插件!A simple plugin to manage the drops!


general {
    #To change the language, modify the one following as en_US or zh_CN and reload the plugin.
    #The amount of drops that players can save and use.(In development)
#Modules enable/disable
modules {
	#Track the drops that drop after the death of an entity. 
    track-killing = true,
	#Track the drops that after a player destroy some blocks.
    track-breaking = true,
	#The whitelist of worlds that enable track function. 
	#If enabled, drops will be tracked only in the worlds in the whitelist regardless of the two modules above.
	#Drops protection that prevent drops from clearing by other plugins for a time period.
track-killing {
    #Set the default mode of true or false.
    #When you set the default mode of true, the track-killing for entities exclude from the list will set to true and vice versa.
    #  Format: "examplemod:exampleentityid"=true/false,
    #  Set the statue to true to track the entity and vice versa.
    list {
track-breaking {
    #Set the default mode of true or false.
    #When you set the default mode of true, the track-breaking for blocks exclude from the list will set to true and vice versa.
    #  Format: "examplemod:exampleblockid"=true/false,
    #  Set the statue to true to track the block and vice versa.
    list {
#The whitelist of worlds that enable the drops track function.
#You can use /worlds to output the name of the worlds and then put the worlds you want into the following brackets.
track-world = [
item-protection {
    #Within the time period following, the tracked drops caused by players will not be cleared.
    protectTime = 60,
    #The default mode for item-protection of the items that are excluded from the list following. True for protect and false for no protect.
    #  format: "examplemod:exampleitemid"=true/false,
    #  Set the statue to true to protect the drops and vice versa.
    #[NOTICE]Item-protection is effective only for the items that can be tracked.
    #If you disable the track function of "minecraft:cow", "minecraft:beaf" in the following list will do nothing.
    list {

Category: Gameplay

Published on Feb 26, 2020




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