
In-Game Documentation

Though not as extensive as this documentation, TeslaCrate maintains an in-game documentation for commands. Executing any parent command (such as /teslacrate) will display the command syntax for that command as well as its direct subcommands. Hovering over the command will display a description of the command, and hovering over an argument shows it’s type and what it represents. While it’s not a substitution for the full documentation, it’s certainly helpful in a pinch!


Usage: /teslacrate
Aliases: teslacrate, tcrate, crate, tc
Permission: teslacrate.command.base

The base command for TeslaCrate.


Usage: /teslacrate menu
Aliases: menu

Opens the GUI menu of all components. This menu is intended for administrative use, but is purely visual.


Usage: /teslacrate command
Aliases: command
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.base

The base command for working with command components. Unfortunately, care must be taken to differentiate between the executable command, the command component, and the command that component contains. I’m sorry.

Give (Command)

Usage: /teslacrate command give <player> <command> [value]
-> player (Player): Player to give the command to
-> command (Command): Name of the command
-> value (String): The value to execute the command with
Aliases: give
Permission: teslacrate.command.command.give.base

Gives a command component to a player. If the value is not defined, the default value of the command component will be used. If you are unfamiliar with what the value represents, please see the Reference Value section in the configuration documentation.


Usage: /teslacrate crate
Aliases: crate
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.base

The base command for working with crates.

Give (Crate)

Usage: /teslacrate crate give <player> <crate> [reward]
-> player (Player): Player to give the crate to
-> crate (Crate): Name of the crate
-> reward (Reward): Name of the reward to give
Aliases: give
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.give.base

Gives a crate to a player. If the reward is not defined, the reward will be selected from the crate.


Usage: /teslacrate crate preview <crate>
-> crate (Crate): Name of the crate
Aliases: preview
Permission: teslacrate.command.crate.preview.base

Opens the preview menu of a crate. The preview shows the display items of all of the rewards offered in that crate, but not their weights.

A crate may also be previewed by primary (left) clicking a crate in the world (see crate permissions).


Usage: /teslacrate item
Aliases: item
Permission: teslacrate.command.item.base

The base command for working with items.

Give (Item)

Usage: /teslacrate item give <player> <item> [quantity]
-> player (Player): Player to give the item to
-> item (Item): Name of the item
-> quantity (Integer): Number of items to give Aliases: give
Permission: teslacrate.command.item.give.base

Gives a item to a player. If the quantity is not defined, the default quantity of the item will be used.


Usage: /teslacrate key
Aliases: key
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.base

The base command for working with keys.


Usage: /teslacrate key check <user> <key>
-> user (User): User to check
-> key (Key): Name of the key
Aliases: check
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.check.base

Checks the number of keys a user has. If the key is physical, only keys currently in the user’s inventory can be detected.

Give (Key)

Usage: /teslacrate key give <user> <key> <quantity>
-> user (User): User to give the key to
-> key (Key): Name of the key
-> quantity (Integer): Number of keys to give Aliases: give
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.give.base

Gives a key to a user with the given quantity. If the key is physical, this command may fail if the user does not have available inventory slots.


Usage: /teslacrate key list [user]
-> user (User): User to give the key to
-> key (Key): Name of the key
-> quantity (Integer): Number of keys to give Aliases: give
Permissions: teslacrate.command.key.list.base, teslacrate.command.key.list.other

Lists the keys a user has. If the user is not defined, the source is used instead. This command may only be used by a player as the keys are displayed in a GUI menu, but it is planned to support a text-based display as well.


Usage: /teslacrate key take <user> <key> <quantity>
-> user (User): User to take the key from
-> key (Key): Name of the key
-> quantity (Integer): Number of keys to take Aliases: take
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.take.base

Takes a key from a player with the given quantity. If the key is physical, only keys currently in their inventory may be taken.


Usage: /teslacrate location
Aliases: location, loc
Permission: teslacrate.command.location.base

The base command for working with locations.


Usage: /teslacrate location delete <location>
-> location (Location): The location to delete
Aliases: delete, del
Permission: teslacrate.command.location.delete.base

Deletes a crate at a location. The location consists of an optional world and a required position (x,y,z or x y z). Relative locations may also be used, and the shorthands #self and #target may be used for the location of the source and the block they are looking at respectively.

Menu (Location)

Usage: /teslacrate location menu
Aliases: menu

Opens the location GUI menu containing all know registrations. This command may only be used by a player, but it is planned to support a text-based display as well.


Usage: /teslacrate location set <location> <crate>
-> location (Location): The location to set
-> crate (Crate): Name of the crate
Aliases: set
Permission: teslacrate.command.location.set.base

Sets a crate to a location. For information on what defines a location, see Delete.


Usage: /teslacrate reward
Aliases: key
Permission: teslacrate.command.key.base

The base command for working with keys.

Give (Reward)

Usage: /teslacrate reward give <player> <reward>
-> player (Player): User to give the reward to
-> reward (Reward): Name of the reward
Aliases: give
Permission: teslacrate.command.reward.give.base

Gives a reward to a player. If you want to reward to be given with the message and announcement of a crate, use Give (Crate).

Category: Gameplay

Published on Mar 19, 2018




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