LocaleAPI - required.
CommandPack - required for plugin version 2.0+.
MySQLDriver - optional support included.
H2Driver - optional support included. 2.0+.
For server admins:
- The commands are partially similar to those in the WorldGuard plugin.
- Working with flags is similar to what you may have seen in the GriefPrevention plugin.
- WECui support. No dependence on WorldEdit.
- Players in regions can be assigned different roles.
- Player limits are set via metadata in the permissions plugin.
- Developers can use the plugin API to extend its functionality and use its functions in their plugins.
- Optional Sponge economy support.
- Supports working with MySQL and H2(2.0+) databases.
- Automatically load new and updated data from the MySql database. 2.0+.
- Ability to regenerate territory when a region is removed.
/rg wand - Get an item to create regions.
/rg claim - Claim the allocated region.
/rg delete - Delete the region.
/rg info - Information about the region.
/rg limits [Player] - Information about player limits.
/rg setname [ClearFlag] [Locale] <Name> - Set the name of the region.
/rg setmessage [CommandFlags] [Locale] <Message> - Set/remove the join/exit message in the region.
/rg flag [FlagName] [Value] [Source] [Target] - Set the flag parameters.
/rg leave - Leave from region.
/rg setowner <Player> - Set the owner of the region.
/rg trust <Player> <TrustType> - Add a player to the region and specify his rights in the region.
/rg untrust <Player> - Remove a player from the region.
/rg setselector <Type> - Select the type of area selection.
/rg setcreatingtype <Type> - Select the type of region to be created.
/rg wecui - Switch the sending status of WECui packets.
/rg list - Show list of regions.
/rg limits buy blocks <Volume> - Payment in game currency to increase the limit of blocks.
/rg limits buy claims <Volume> - Payment in game currency to increase the limit of claims.
/rg limits buy subdivisions <Volume> - Payment in game currency to increase the limit of subdivisions.
/rg limits buy members <Volume> - Payment in game currency to increase the limit of region members.
/rg limits sell blocks <Volume> - Selling the limit of blocks for game currency.
/rg limits sell claims <Volume> - Selling the limit of claims for game currency.
/rg limits sell subdivisions <Volume> - Selling the limit of subdivisions for game currency.
/rg limits sell members <Volume> - Selling the limit of region members for game currency.
/rg limits set blocks <Player> <Volume> - Change the blocks limit of the player.
/rg limits set claims <Player> <Volume> - Change the claims limit of the player.
/rg limits set subdivisions <Player> <Volume> - Change the subdivisions limit of the player.
/rg limits set members <Player> <Volume> - Changing the limit of members in the player regions.
/rg updatedefaultflags - Setting default flags based on those available in the region at the player location.
/rg clear - Clear the selection of the area.
Region member types:
Hunter - Can only attack hostile monsters.
Sleep - Can only use the bed.
Container - Can use a bed and containers.
User - An ordinary member of the region. Can break and place blocks, attack any mobs and so on.
Builder - Can break, place blocks, use containers.
Manager - Has all the same rights as a normal region member, but in addition can add or exclude other members.
Owner - Region Owner.
Permissions: - Main command.
regionguard.user.wand - Get an item for allocating regions.
regionguard.user.claim - Claimed region.
regionguard.user.delete - Delete region. - Region info command. - Add a player to the region and assign him permissions.
regionguard.user.setmessage - Set/clear join/exit message for region.
regionguard.user.setname - Set name for region.
regionguard.user.selector - Change the type of area you want to select.
regionguard.user.flag - View Flags. You cannot change a flag without a permission for him.
regionguard.user.wecui - Displaying region boundaries with WECui mod, as well as switching the status of working with the mod. - Payment in game currency to increase the limit of blocks. - Payment in game currency to increase the limit of claims. - Payment in game currency to increase the limit of subdivisions. - Payment in game currency to increase the limit of region members.
regionguard.user.sell.blocks - Selling the limit of blocks for game currency. - Selling the limit of claims for game currency.
regionguard.user.sell.subdivisions - Selling the limit of subdivisions for game currency.
regionguard.user.sell.members - Selling the limit of region members for game currency.
regionguard.user.list - Show list of regions.
regionguard.user.teleport - Teleportation to the region.
regionguard.user.clear - Clear the selection of the area.
regionguard.flags - Access flags by their lowercase name.
regionguard.flag.bypass - Flags bypass. For admins. You can add specific flags in lower-case to the permission.
regionguard.unlimit.blocks - Unlimited number of blocks that can be claimed. - Unlimited number of regions created.
regionguard.unlimit.subdivisions - Unlimited subdivisions per region.
regionguard.unlimit.members - Unlimited number of players you can add to the region.
regionguard.staff.delete - Removing the region of any player.
regionguard.staff.resize - Change the size of any player’s region. - Adding players to the region of any player.
regionguard.staff.setmessage - Set/remove the join/exit message for any region.
regionguard.staff.setname - Set a name for any region.
regionguard.staff.setregiontype - Change the type of region and select the type of regions to be created.
regionguard.staff.flag - Changing flags in any region.
regionguard.staff.list - Getting a list of regions of any player. The ability to teleport is available by default.
regionguard.staff.limits - View the available limits of another player.
regionguard.staff.setlimit.blocks - Change the blocks limit of the player. - Change the claims limit of the player.
regionguard.staff.setlimit.subdivisions - Change the subdivisions limit of the player.
regionguard.staff.setlimit.subdivisions - Change the subdivisions limit of the player.
regionguard.staff.setlimit.members - Changing the limit of members in the player regions.
regionguard.staff.adminclaim - Creation of subdivisions in admin regions.
regionguard.staff.updatedefaultflags - Setting default flags based on those available in the region at the player location.
regionguard.limit.blocks - The limit of blocks a player can claim. - Player claims limit.
regionguard.limit.subdivisions - Player subdivisions limit per region.
regionguard.limit.members - Members limit for each player region.
regionguard.limit.max.blocks - The maximum number of blocks a player can claim when using the economy. - The maximum number of regions a player can claim when using the economy.
regionguard.limit.max.subdivisions - The maximum number of subdivisions a player can claim when using the economy.
regionguard.limit.max.members - The maximum number of region members a player can add using the economy. - Purchase price of 1 block. - Purchase price of 1 region. - Purchase price of 1 subdivision. - The price for increasing the limit of participants by 1.
regionguard.sell.blockprice - Selling price of 1 block.
regionguard.sell.regionprice - Selling price of 1 region.
regionguard.sell.subdivisionprice - Selling price of 1 subdivision.
regionguard.sell.memberprice - The price of reducing the limit of participants by 1.
regionguard.transaction.currency - Currency in which the player will be buying and selling limits.
Example set metaperms:
lp group default meta set 3
lp group default meta set regionguard.limit.subdivisions 5
lp group default meta set regionguard.limit.blocks 1000
lp group default meta set regionguard.limit.members 5
lp group default meta set 3
lp group default meta set regionguard.limit.max.subdivisions 5
lp group default meta set regionguard.limit.max.blocks 1000
lp group default meta set regionguard.limit.max.members 5
Starting with update 1.6.1 you need to set both variants of the limits. The same values are allowed. The first option indicates the base value of the limit by the player. The second indicates the maximum value. The first cannot be greater than the second. If the second is missing the player’s limit will be 0.
For developers:
javadoc ->
Get API:
public class Main {
private Main instance;
private Logger logger;
private RegionAPI regionAPI;
// Get API. This happens in event `ConstructPluginEvent`.
public void onRegionAPIPostEvent(RegionAPI.PostAPI event) {
regionAPI = event.getAPI();
repositories {
maven {
name = "JitPack"
url ''
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SawFowl:RegionGuard:2.1'