LocaleAPI - required.
MySQLDriver - optional support included.
H2Driver - optional support included.
Commands and Permissions ->
Currently implemented:
- Multilanguage. Ability to translate the plugin into any language. All languages will be used at the same time.
- Customizable ability to save inventory and experience of the player at death(metaperms).
- Customizable restrictions on entity spawns.
- Logging the list of mods installed on the client player connects to the server(LexForge client and server).
- Configurable restrictions on allowable mods on the player’s client that connects to the server.
- Command execution conditions, as well as adding command aliases. The economy is supported.
- All teleportation commands, including teleportation requests and teleportation to random coordinates.
- System of server and private warps.
- Kits. The economy is supported.
- Opening with a menu command functional blocks such as: workbench, anvil, enderchest, enchantment table.
- Viewing and changing the inventory of other players by the administrator, including the enderchest and backpack.
- The execution commands logging looks like in Nucleus.
- Viewing server information.
- View information and reload plugins.
- Viewing information about mods. Plugins are separated from mods.
- Change of time, weather, game mode. Removed game mode identifiers have been returned.
- Worlds Management
- Join/Leave messages
- Join commands
- Flexible punishment system with support for h2 and MySQL databases (large customization). Disabled by default. Can be enabled in the main configuration.
- Sponge Economy API Implementation. Multicurrency support. Disabled by default. Can be enabled in the main configuration.
- And much more… For more information, see the list of commands at the link above.
For developers:
JavaDoc ->
private CommandPack commandPack;
public void onCommandPackPostApiEvent(CommandPack.PostAPI event) {
commandPack = event.getAPI();
repositories {
maven {
name = "JitPack"
url ''
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SawFowl:CommandPack:2.2'