Handles the extra parts of minigames use such as lobbies and maps

Map Making

Map Making is attempting to be as simple as possible while giving you as much freedome as possible.

When you start a new map you start of with a completely blank canvas except a single block that you spawn on. This is your starting position. You can expand the block in any direction however it is prefered to expand towards the negitive area.

Can I use other plugins to assit development?

Yes. Thanks to the way you save maps, any plugin that helps you develop worlds such as WorldEdit are compatible with the development of maps.

How do I save maps?

When the saving code is complete. You will save by typing the save command and then setting 2 positions, from there it will grab every block between the two positions and then transfer them to the correct location and will also create a file with all the details.

How do I set things like spawn points?

Use the command

/mapmaker register

Pressing TAB (or the auto help from MC 1.13) will then give you all possible things you can set.

So the MapMaker allows me to create maps for any gamemode?

Yes. As long as the gamemode has been programmed correctly, you are able to create maps for them.

Can you make multiple maps at once?

Due to technical limitations, Minigame Loader will only allow you to create 1 map at a time


Yes. You can invite your friends into a map making session

Category: Developer Tools

Published on Sep 19, 2018




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