
Normal permissions

  • Allows a player to use /home
  • homesweethome.home.set Allows a player to use /home set
  • homesweethome.home.set.<worldname> Allows a player to set homes in the world called worldname.
  • homesweethome.home.remove Allows a player to use /home remove
  • homesweethome.home.list Allows a player to use /home list
  • homesweethome.home.limit Allows a player to use /home limit
  • homesweethome.home.invite Allows a player to use /home invite
  • homesweethome.home.goto Allows a player to use /home goto
  • homesweethome.home.accept Allows a player to use /home accept

Residents permissions

  • homesweethome.home.residents.list Allows a player to use /home residents
  • homesweethome.home.residents.add Allows a player to use /home residents add
  • homesweethome.home.residents.remove Allows a player to use /home residents remove
  • homesweethome.home.residents.limit Allows a player to use /home residents limit

Other permissions

  • Allows a player to use /home other
  • homesweethome.homeother.set Allows a player to use /home other set
  • homesweethome.homeother.remove Allows a player to use /home other remove
  • homesweethome.homeother.list Allows a player to use /home other list
  • homesweethome.homeother.limit Allows a player to use /home other limit
  • homesweethome.homeother.invite Allows a player to use /home other invite

Other residents permissions

  • homesweethome.homeother.residents.list Allows a player to use /home other residents
  • homesweethome.homeother.residents.add Allows a player to use /home other residents add
  • homesweethome.homeother.residents.remove Allows a player to use /home other residents remove
  • homesweethome.homeother.residents.limit Allows a player to use /home other residents limit


To set how many homes and residents a player can have you can use these permission options. These are permission options, not normal nodes!

  • homesweethome.homelimit The amount of homes a player can have

  • homesweethome.residentslimit The amount of residents a player can have for a home

  • Using LuckPermissions you would use them like this /lp user/group <user|group> meta set homesweethome.homelimit <home limit>.

  • Using PEX it would be /pex user/group <user|group> option homesweethome.homelimit <home limit>

Category: Gameplay

Published on Jan 16, 2017




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