Player Analytics, Sponge/Bukkit/Bungee/Velocity support



AuroraLS3 released this version on Apr 5, 2019

9.9 MB

DataExtension API - Change log 4.8.0

This update brings a new API that is eventually going to replace PluginData API. This replacement is necessary, as the old API is one of the limitations that still need Bungee-Bukkit connections. If you’re interested, a roadmap has been added on Github:

In addition some bugs have been squashed. Special thanks to Vankka and Skmedix for helping me out with some gradle stuff.

Support development: Rating the plugin and giving the project a star on Github also helps :)


  • New Plugin support: CoreProtect, Minigameslib
  • DataExtension API
    • Annotation based API that allows storing plugin data in Plan database.
    • API Documentation:
    • PluginData (Old API) will appear with (Legacy) label on the web panel since it is not possible to do all the functionality with the new API yet. This will be removed once all functionality can be ported over. In the meanwhile both will function side by side.


  • #922 Fixed config.yml having wrong defaults on Sponge in some cases
  • #982 Fixed Login Prompt not appearing on iOS devices
  • #966 Fixed MySQL transaction timeout error on Clean task
  • #967, #956 Cleaned up duplicate data in ‘plan_user_info’
  • #979 Fixed Exported /player-page js & css links
  • #971 Use_server_timezone should now properly affect Recent days formatting (‘Yesterday’) and Calendars

As always if you are having issues with the update, please report issues on Github ( or join Discord for support ( Thanks
