
This plugin requires Anvil

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The goal of OnTime is to replace the out-dated playtime tracking plugins. In doing so, OnTime has the ability to import old user data from Rankup with the use of a simple command. The commands are listed here on our wiki. The permission for each command is listed alongside the command along with an example of the command usage.

To import data from rankup, Click Here


If you plan on using this across multiple servers you will need to use MongoDB

OnTime will use Xodus by default (which requires no external setup) but can also connect with MongoDB. To use the plugin simply edit this part of the config:

# Player ranks and their time requirement in seconds.
ranks {

There are also commands that can be run on rankup: (new in v0.3.0)

# Commands to run after a player has received a rank. The nodes are compiled as a regex and compared with the
# new rank name. The commands for every matching regex will run (not just the commands for the first regex that matches).
# Available placeholders:
# - %player% : The player's username
# - %rank% : The player's new rank
# - %time% : The time requirement of the new rank
# Note: ".*" is the regex that matches everything (commands under this will run for every rank up).
# For more information on regex, visit https://regexr.com/
commands {
        "say %player% has advanced to %rank% after playing for %time%",
        "give %player% iron_ingot 1"
        "say %player% is the best"

OnTime works with any rank plugin!

Category: Admin Tools

Published on Apr 23, 2020




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Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

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