Random crates spawn in the wild for players to find


This plugin is designed for server administrators to spawn in random crates in a configurable world. The crates will spawn in somewhere inside of that world’s border on the surface. You can specify the quantity of crates and what kit will be inside of it with the command /dropcrate.


  • /activecrates will return a list of crates that are active in the world. Players with the permission node dropcrate.admin.warptext will have the ability to click on each of the crates in the list to teleport directly to it.
  • /clearactivecrates will expire all the crates that are currently in the world.
  • /dropcrate [amount] [crate name] Drops crates randomly in the wild. The default amount of crates is 1 and the default crate is randomly selected.


  • Announcement when the crate is dropped and picked up.
  • World crate will spawn in.
  • Kits that will be randomly selected when dropping the crate.
  • Percent chance that a crate will be chosen.
  • Custom drop messages per individual crate
  • Automatic timer for dropping new crates. Can be random or set kit.
  • Spawn radius protection from crates dropping
  • Buffer: Number of crates that are allowed to be present at the same time
  • Restriction radius for crate dropping


  • Nucleus

Permission Nodes:

  • dropcrate.command.activecrates
  • dropcrate.command.dropcrate
  • dropcrate.command.clearactivecrates
  • dropcrate.admin.debug
  • dropcrate.admin.warptext
#Example Crate Configuration
mycratename {

    # Nucleus kit name for the command to give the user

    # Chance the crate will spawn, calculated by chance / (sum of chances)

    # Custom message when this crate spawn?
    # NOTE: using {CRATE} will take the name of the node, replace the dashes with spaces, and capitalize each word
    custom-message="&a[CrateDrops] &eA &6{CRATE} &eCrate has arrived at &k||&e[&c{X}&e, &c{Y}&e, &c{Z}&e]&k||"

Category: Gameplay

Published on Jul 22, 2020




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Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL)

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