

rojo8399 released this version on Dec 7, 2017

167.1 KB

What’s new in version 4.4:

  • Fixed issue with configuration files not properly loading. This is sort of a workaround and I fully expect more issues to arise from this (particularly, some people having config resets even if they properly handle config files). If anything arises I will try my best to patch it out but I cannot properly figure out why this is breaking.
  • Slightly improved the Requires annotation internals.

This is a minor patch and should work with everything normally. The next big update will be version 5.0, but before that I will release version 4.5 which deprecates everything to be removed (I plan on refactoring the whole internal system of how dynamic placeholders are handled, as well as adding support for object-attached placeholders and injecting into foreign plugins, though injection probably won’t work in Java 9).

I still have yet to document my changes; I am heading into my exams right now so don’t expect anything new to happen for at least a month from me. If anyone is willing to help document that would be much appreciated, though I am not sure how difficult it will be.

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