A Minecraft plugin that implements the bee-name-generator API to generate bee names automagically


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A Minecraft plugin that implements the bee-name-generator API to generate bee names automagically

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Spigot Hangar Modrinth CurseForge Sponge

Compatibility Cheatsheet

BeeNameGenerator supports: Bukkit, Fabric, Forge, and Sponge (8-11 works with the same jar)

Server typeVersionsJar Name
All 1.20 (Sponge11)1.20-1.20.2BeeNameGenerator-1.20-<version>.jar
All 1.19 (Sponge10)1.19-1.19.4BeeNameGenerator-1.19-<version>.jar
All 1.18 (Sponge9)1.18-1.18.2BeeNameGenerator-1.18-<version>.jar
All 1.17 (Sponge9)1.17-1.17.1BeeNameGenerator-1.17-<version>.jar
All 1.16 (Sponge8)1.16-1.16.5BeeNameGenerator-1.16-<version>.jar
All 1.15 (Sponge8)1.15-1.15.2BeeNameGenerator-1.15-<version>.jar


Optional Dependencies

  • LuckPerms - For permissions/prefix/suffix support


  • Commands either require a permissions manager or OP level 4 in order to use them.
  • You can set the “payment” item in the config, which is the item that is consumed when using the /bng name auto command (defaults to a name tag).
  • The naming radius can be set in the config, which is the radius around the player that the plugin will look for bees to name (defaults to 10 blocks).
  • Some commands require an authenticated API key to use them, which is set in the config (you’d need to host your own API endpoint).

Commands and Permissions

/bng helptaterlib.command.helpShow help for commands
/bng reloadtaterlib.command.reloadReload the plugin
/bng name <auto/tag>taterlib.command.nameName a bee or get a named name tag
/bng name autotaterlib.command.name.autoAutomatically name a nearby bee
/bng name tagtaterlib.command.name.tagGet a name tag with a random bee name
/bng gettaterlib.command.getGets a random bee name
/bng addtaterlib.command.addAdds a bee name to the database (Authenticated API Route)
/bng suggest <name/list/accept/reject>taterlib.command.suggestSuggest a name to the database
/bng suggest <name>taterlib.command.suggestSuggest a name to the database
/bng suggest listtaterlib.command.suggest.listList all pending suggestions
/bng suggest accept <name>taterlib.command.suggest.acceptAccept a pending suggestion (Authenticated API Route)
/bng suggest reject <name>taterlib.command.suggest.rejectReject a pending suggestion (Authenticated API Route)



version: 1

  # URL for the Bee Name Generator API
  base_url: "https://api.sperrer.ca/api/v1/bee-name-generator"

  # Auth Token for the Bee Name Generator API
  auth_token: "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"

  radius: 10
  payment_item: "minecraft:name_tag"

Release Notes

Category: Gameplay

Published on Aug 18, 2023




total downloads

Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL)

Promoted Versions

