Supporting MySQL to save player data, and synchronize data between Bungeecord servers or via Redis.
Sponge8 version require installing the prerequisite plugin ‘DatabaseDrivers’. https://github.com/YiC200333/DatabaseDrivers/releases/tag/1.1.1
Player Command
balance/money - Displays your balance
balance/money <player> - Displays <player> ’s balance
pay <player> <amount> - Pay <player> <amount>
balancetop - Displays TOP10
xconomy help - View help
OP Command
balance/money give <player> <amount> - give <player> <amount>
balance/money take <player> <amount> - take <amount> from <player>
balance/money set <player> <amount> - set <player> ’s balance to <amount>
balance/money give * <all/online> <amount> <reason> - give <all/online player> <amount>
balance/money take * <all/online> <amount> <reason> - take <amount> from <all/online player>
balancetop hide/display <player> - Hide or display a <player> ’s data from TOP10
xconomy reload - reload message.yml
xconomy.user.balance - Allows player to look up the balance of yourself and others
xconomy.user.balance.other - Allows player to look up the balance of others
xconomy.user.pay - Allow player transfers to others
xconomy.user.pay.receive - Allow player receive from others
xconomy.user.balancetop - Allows player to view TOP10 ranking
xconomy.admin.give - Allows player to give player balance
xconomy.admin.take - Allow player to take player balance
xconomy.admin.set - Allow player to set player balance
xconomy.admin.balancetop - Allow player to hide or display a ’s data from TOP10
xconomy.op - all permission of xconomy
Install this plugin on the sub-servers and BungeCord. Then enable BungeeCord mode in the configuration file. (There is no configuration file on the BungeeCord side)