

This plugin requires the ProjectCore library to function.


/kit create <kit>
/kit delete <kit>
/kit cooldown <kit> <cooldown>
/kit limit <kit> <limit>
/kit price <kit> <price>
/kit book [kit]
/kit list
/kit view <kit>
/kit reset <cooldown|limit> <kit> <player>
/kit <kit>
/kit give <player> <kit>


  • easykits.kit. - Access to the kit by name
  • easykits.cmd.kit - Access to /kit
  • easykits.cmd.kit.create - Access to /kit create
  • easykits.cmd.kit.delete - Access to /kit delete
  • easykits.cmd.kit.cooldown - Access to /kit cooldown
  • easykits.cmd.kit.limit - Access to /kit limit
  • easykits.cmd.kit.price - Access to /kit price
  • easykits.cmd.kit.give - Access to /kit give
  • easykits.cmd.kit.list - Access to /kit list - Access to /kit book
  • easykits.cmd.kit.view - Access to /kit view - Allow opening kit in book.
  • easykits.cmd.kit.book - Access to /kit book
  • easykits.cmd.kit.reset - Access to /kit reset
  • easykits.override.cooldown - Override cooldown time.
  • easykits.override.limit - Override the max limit player can get kit
  • easykits.override.price - Override price of kit if economy is enabled.
  • easykits.sign.create - Allow player to create kit signs
  • easykits.sign.break - Allow player to break kit signs
  • easykits.modify - Allows player to modify kit when viewing it


To create a kit, simply arrange your inventory and armor with the items you would like in the kit.

/kit create <name>

To set a price for a kit run the following:

/kit price <kit> <price>

To set a cooldown time for a kit run the following:

NOTE: Time format examples: 10s, 1m, 1h, 1d

/kit cooldown <kit> <cooldown>

To set the max limit player can get kit with the following:

/kit limit <kit> <limit>

To reset players cooldown or limit on a kit type the following:

/kit reset cooldown <kit> <player> /kit reset limit <kit> <player>

To view all kits you have permission to, grab the kits book with the following:

/kit book

This book will always contain an updated list of kits. A max a 54 kits can be displayed. Simply right click to open. The inventory will show a book for each kit. click to view contents of kit. If you would like to obtain this click, click the nether star in the bottom right corner.

If you would like to get a single kit book, you can specify a a kit with the following:

/kit book [kit]


If you you prefer commands you can list kits with the following:

/kit list

To view contents of a kit:

/kit view <kit>

To obtain a kit:

/kit <kit>


To create a sign type kit then the kit name on next line. You can also specify, though not required, whether player checks will be performed such as cooldown and limit, by entering true or false on next line. Default is true

You’ll know you did it right if the color format changes (Price will display if set):

Right click to use sign. You can set in the config whether using the sign shows the kit or gets the kit by setting ‘sign-action’ to either ‘view -or- get’

Development Builds

To get the latest builds of EasyKits or my other projects, check the link below. Fair warning, these builds may not always be stable

Download Here

In-Game Command Help:

Like all my plugins if you need information on what commands do, as part of ProjectCore, you can you the help command.

/helpme [rawCommand]

For example if you want to know how to use /kit create use the following:

/helpme kit create

/helpme will also list any subcommands if any exist. For example /helpme kit will list all subcommands for easykits

Command lists are clickable and the arguments can be hovered over for more details.


Creating plugins for Sponge takes time and effort. If you enjoy the hard work I’ve put into to this please feel free to get my a cup of coffee. It is much appreciated.


Category: Gameplay

Published on Feb 5, 2018




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Licensed under MIT

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