Modular features. Cross-server Capable. Cross-platform. Item, Virtual, Mixed, or Experience-based currencies.



About: All commands that are designated as being for administrative purposes.
Base node: tne.admin (default: ops)
Wildcard node: tne.admin.*

tne backuptne.admin.backupCreates a backup of all server data.ops
tne create <player> [balance]tne.admin.createCreates a new economy account. Player ~ The account owner. Balance ~ The starting balance of the account.ops
tne debugtne.admin.debugToggles console debug mode.ops
tne delete <playe\r>tne.admin.deleteDeletes a player account. Player ~ The account owner.ops
tne extracttne.admin.extractExtracts all player balances with their username attached for database related debugging.ops
tne purgetne.admin.purgeDeletes all player accounts that have the default balanceops
tne resettne.admin.resetDeletes all economy-related data from the database.ops
tne restoretne.admin.restoreRestores all balances that are located in extracted.yml after performing the extract command.ops
tne savetne.admin.saveForce saves all TNE data.ops
tne status <player> [status]tne.admin.statusDisplays, or sets, the current account status of an account. Player ~ The account owner.ops
tne versiontne.admin.versionDisplays the version of TNE currently running.ops


About: All commands that are used to interact with the module system
Shortcuts: tnem
Base node: tne.module (default: ops)
Wildcard node: tne.module.*

tnem info <module>tne.module.infoDisplays some information about a module. Module ~ The module to look up.ops
tnem listtne.module.listLists all loaded TNE modules.ops
tnem load <module>tne.module.loadLoad a module from the modules directory. Module ~ The module to load.ops
tnem reload <module>tne.module.reloadReloads a module from the modules directory. Module ~ The module to reload.ops
tnem unload <module>tne.module.unloadUnload a module from the server. Module ~ The module to unload.ops


About: All commands that are used to interact with the server’s money system.
Shortcuts: /money balance(/bal, /balance), /money pay(/pay), /money top(/baltop)
Base node: (default: everyone)
Wildcard node:*

money balance [world] [currency] your current holdings.everyone
money convert <amount> <to currency[:world]> [from currency[:world]] some of your holdings to another currency.everyone
money deposit <amount> [currency] money from an item form into a virtual bank for mixed currencies.everyone
money give <player> <amount> [world] [currency] money into your economy, and gives it to a player.ops
money note <amount> [currency] your virtual currency physical, for storage/trading purposes.everyone
money other <player> [world] [currency] the balance of a player.everyone
money pay <player> <amount> [currency] some of your holdings to pay another player.everyone
money request <player> <amount> [currency] money from a player.
money set <player> <amount> [world] [currency] the holdings of a player.ops
money setall <amount> [world] [currency] the holdings of all players.ops
money take <player> <amount> [world] [currency] money from your economy, specifically from a player’s balance.ops
money top [page] list of players with the highest balances.ops
money withdraw <amount> [currency] money from your virtual balance into its item form.ops


About: All commands that are used to interact with the transaction system.
Shortcuts: /trans
Base node: tne.transaction (default: everyone)
Wildcard node: tne.transaction.*

transaction away [page #]tne.transaction.awayDisplays transactions that you missed since the last time you were on.everyone
transaction history [player:name] [page:#] [world:name/all]tne.transaction.history / tne.transaction.history.otherSee a detailed break down of your transaction history. Page ~ The page number you wish to view. World ~ The world name you wish to filter, or all for every world. Defaults to current world.everyone
transaction info <uuid>tne.transaction.infoDisplays information about a transaction. UUID ~ The id of the transaction.everyone
transaction void <uuid>tne.transaction.voidUndoes a previously completed transaction. UUID ~ The id of the transaction.ops

Category: Economy

Published on Jul 27, 2023




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