The first on-command redstone plugin for Sponge!


The first on-command redstone plugin for Sponge!

MSRedstone is currently still under development, and only the bare minimum features are currently enabled.

“Redstone Signs” are used to turn a sign into a redstone torch via command. This allows for an automated approach to redstone!


  • Toggling signs
  • Naming signs
  • Re-naming signs

To Create a Redstone Sign

line 0: [msrc]
line 1: name
line 2: time

Image of MSRC in action

Once the sign has all of the required information, you will need to add it to the config. To do so, you will need to do:

/msrc create    (This puts you into creation mode)

then right click the sign that you would like to turn into a redstone sign.

Verify the sign has been created properly

To verify that the sign has been created, and see other redstone signs you can run the following command

/msrc list

This command returns a list of all redstone signs in the config, and allows you to teleport to them by clicking on the sign you would like to teleport to.

To use a Redstone Sign

Once you have created your Redstone Sign and have verified that the sign exists, you can begin using the sign. To turn the redstone sign into a redstone torch, you can use the following command

/msrc enable (name)

Now that we have enabled the sign, we need to disable it. That is done by the following:

/msrc disable (name)


help -
create - msrc.command.create
enable - msrc.command.enable
disable - msrc.command.disable
list - msrc.command.list
setname - msrc.command.setname

Planned Features

  • Multi-Server support via Velocity
  • Scheduling
  • AutoMessages (When the sign is activated (will be togglable via config))
  • TimeUnit support (currently in seconds)

Category: Admin Tools

Published on Dec 7, 2019




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