

Nucleus released this version on Jan 20, 2017

3.1 MB

Nucleus 0.20.0 is available for Sponge API 5.1 and is compatible with current builds for Sponge API 6-SNAPSHOT. Documentation can be found at http://nucleuspowered.org/docs (command and permission references should already be up to date).

NucleusMixins, an optional companion plugin for Nucleus, is available for Sponge API 5 (Minecraft 1.10.2) servers, and will provide a workaround for /invsee not working as intended, and enhanced world generation by hooking into Minecraft internals (known as “NMS” to some players). It is entirely optional, and may not work on heavily modded servers. If you wish to turn off either the /invsee or enhanced world generation mixins, you can do so by setting the relavent option in mixins.conf.

If you’re having trouble, visit our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/MC2mAuS

This release is mostly a performance oriented release, but there are some features!

New World commands.

There are a few things that were not exposed by Nucleus, now they are:

  • /world setpvpenabled t|f - turn PVP on or off
  • /world setloadonstartup t|f - set whether the world loads on startup
  • /world sethardcore t|f - set whether the world is in hardcore mode
  • /world setkeepspawnloaded t|f - set whether spawn should remain loaded

You can now use /world info [world] for information about the world you are on, or the world you specify. It’s the same output as /world list, only straight to the point. It uses the same permission as /world list (nucleus.world.list.base)

Support for per mob permissions when using /spawnmob

If enabled, the permission nucleus.spawnmob.mob.<mobid>, where mobid is the ID of the mob, as seen by Sponge. So to allow creeper spawning (ID, minecraft:creeper), use nucleus.spawnmob.mob.minecraft.creeper, for all Minecraft/Vanilla mobs, use nucleus.spawnmob.mob.minecraft.

Also, I kept typing in “/mobspawn” when testing. It didn’t work. That’s an alias now. It does work now. Problem solved!

Other minor features are:

  • Allow /ec to be chargable
  • Vastly reduce the number of permission checks in some cases through intelligent caching
  • If using Nucleus Mixins, add --save [timespan] option to specify how often a world saves during generation
  • Add ability to disable world gen all server notification messages

There has also been a few bugfixes in this release:

  • Fixed players spawning in sometimes not being rotated the right way.
  • Fix error when using -a with /world border gen and Sponge’s generation routines.
  • Fixed incorrect order of display parameters when using /setworth

There are some known issues and things that you should be aware of:

  • /invsee does not work unless you are within 8 blocks of the target player. Use NucleusMixins to workaround this - though this currently doesn’t work for some heavily modded servers (#506). If you have more information, please add it there.
  • Some players are finding that enhanced pre-generation isn’t giving output (#528). The plan is to fully add Nucleus enhancements to Sponge proper.
  • While we don’t plan to make changes to the data files, things might change. These will be stabilised by 1.0
  • There is an API, but this is subject to change.
  • Sometimes, an incorrect custom prefix might be selected. Nucleus uses whatever the permission plugin hands back, check your inheritance with the permissions plugin.

A note on GeoIP

GeoIP is disabled by default, and once enabled, will require you accept the third party library licences that are now included in the Jar. We ask that you use the feature responsibly, while we display public data, we understand the privacy concerns.

To use GeoIP, set modules.geo-ip to ENABLED and restart, then set geo-ip.accept-licences to true and run /nucleus reload. The command /geoip update and /geoip <player> will be available to you, requiring the nucleus.geoip.base permission. To display information on login to staff, grant the permission nucleus.geoip.login.

See http://nucleuspowered.org/thirdparty/geoip.html

**Commit history: **

For best results please use the latest SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla builds. Fixes that have been added to SpongeForge/SpongeVanilla include those discovered during Nucleus development - using newer builds will ensure that Nucleus runs smoother on your servers! Before reporting issues, make sure you are running these latest builds!

Leave your feedback, issues, complaints and feature requests on the forum post or in GitHub issues. This release was created with the help of those who test and report issues, thanks to everyone who played a part!


Note that there are now two downloads for Sponge 5/1.10.2 servers. The mixinplugin is optional, but recommended, particularly for vanilla servers.
