Ask questions and gain prize for the winner


Ask questions and gain prize for the winner !


The plugin will say questions you have created in the config file, with a prize for the first player who find the answer. The delay between questions and the prize for each question are configurable !

NB: The items prize can be modded items


Create a question :

Command version Recommended

  • Type /qt create and follow the instructions.
  • You need the permission questionstime.command.base and questionstime.command.create.

Config file version

  • Open the config file (config folder > questionstime > questionstime.conf).
  • All the questions need to be in the questions section
  • First, the name of the question. That can be anything you want.
  • Open bracket.
  • Second, write the word question, an equal character and the question between quotes.
  • Third, the following depending if you want an open question or a question with multiple propositions :
    • For an open question :
      • Write the word answer, an equal character and the answer between quotes.
    • For a multiple propositions question :
      • Write the word proposition, an equal character, and open and closed bracket. Between the bracket, write each proposition between quotation mark, and seperate them with comma.
      • Write the word answer, an equal character and a number which corresponding the numero of the right proposition.
- Add prizes
  • Write the word prize and open bracket.
  • Write the word announce, an equal character and true if you want to announce the prize after the question was asked, or false otherwise.
  • Write the word money, an equal character and the amount of money. This is optional. An economy plugin is needed.
  • Write the word items, an equal character and square bracket and items. This is optional. Items need to follow the following pattern :
    • ModID:ItemID;Variant;Count;DisplayName;Lore
      • Examples :
      • stone
      • minecraft:stone
      • stone;granite
      • minecraft:stone;0;64
      • wool;12;42
    • Precision 1 : you can use the “text” version for the item’s damage (only for Sponge API 7)
    • Precision 2 : you can write multi lines lore with \n
  • Close the bracket
- Add malus
  • Write the word malus and open bracket.
  • Write the word announce, an equal character and true if you want to announce the malus after the question was asked, or false otherwise.
  • Write the word money, an equal character and the amount of money. An economy plugin is needed.
  • Close the bracket
- Add timer
  • Add a delay to answer the question.
  • Write the word timer, an equal character and its value in seconds. The minimum can be 10 seconds and the maximum 23h59m59s.
- Add timer between each answer
  • Write the word time-between-answer, an equal character and its value in seconds. The minimum can be 10 seconds and the maximum 23h59m59s.
- Add a weight
  • A weight in a question determine his probability to be asked. The more he is high, the more the question has the probability to be asked
  • Write the word weight, an equal character and its value. The number need to be positive.

Other configurations :

  • randomTime :
    • If he’s true, the questions will be asked in an interval defined by minCooldown and maxCooldown
    • If he’s false, the questions will be asked after a period defined by cooldown
  • cooldown :
    • The time in ticks after a question will be asked. The randomTime need to be false
  • minCooldwon / maxCooldown :
    • Defined a period between minCooldown and maxCooldown in ticks during which a question can be asked
  • minConnected :
    • Defines the minimum of players connected in order to ask a question
  • personnalAnswer:
    • If he’s true, the answer given by a player isn’t shown in the chat
    • If he’s false, the answer given by a player is shown in the chat


You can modify the messages displayed by the plugin. Some lines have “components”, a word between brackets that will be replaced by the plugin to display important information. You can’t change, add or remove a component.
Here is the default “message.conf” :

question {
  new: "§eIt's Question Time !"
  ask: "§e§l{question}"
  proposition: "§b•{position}] {proposition}"
  end: "§eMay the best win !"
  timer {
    end: "§eYou have §9§l{timer}§r§e to answer ! May the best win !"
    left: "§eYou have §9§l{timer}§r§e to answer !"
    out: "§cNobody have found the answer, maybe a next time"

prize {
  announce: "§eThe winner win :"
  money: "§9•{money} §r{currency}"
  item: "§9• {quantity} * {modid}§f{item} §b{metadata}"

malus {
  announce: "§cBut a wrong answer :"
  money: "§4• -{money} §r{currency}"

answer {
  announce: "§eAnswer with : \"§bqt>answer§e\""
  win: "§e§lYou win !"
  win-announce: "§e§l{name} win !"
  false: "§e§l{answer} §cisn't the right answer :("
  malus: "§cYou lose §4{money} §r{currency}"
  cooldown: "§cYou have to wait {timer} to suggest an another answer"

reward {
  announce: "§e§lHere's your reward :"
  prize: "§9• {quantity} * {modid}§f{item} §b{metadata}"
  money: "§9•{money} §r{currency}"


  • Give malus if a player didn’t say the right answer, and to avoid spamming
  • Remake the “prize” interface to be more readable
  • Add an option to hide the player’s answer
  • Create questions in the chat
  • Be compatible with Sponge 5 (Minecraft 1.10.2)
  • Timed question : answer the question before the timer is out
  • Change the text language
  • Answer delay : if the answer isn’t right, the player need to wait some seconds before he can reply again
  • increase the number of possible proposition
  • Custom item’s name and lore
  • Weight system
  • Possibility of adding the author of a question
  • Event question : a question is said if a player with the permission type a command. Can be useful while an event and when you doesn’t want to let the plugin choose
  • Grade bonus : Depending of the rank, the player can have more prizes/gain more money and/or loss less money
  • Multiple winners with different prizes according to the position
  • Execute commands as prize or malus
  • General statistics
  • Statistics per player
  • When someone found an answer, he can’t respond again if the question is re-asked
  • Multiple answers
  • Reload config

Category: Games

Published on Oct 26, 2017




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Licensed under MPL 2.0

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