Plugin which brings RPG features into minecraft.



NeumimTo released this version on Nov 13, 2018

787.4 KB
  • Added basic support for translation, added czech and polish localization (not yet 100% done)
  • Mob experiences gained after kill may now be adjusted on a race or class level
  • Improved tab-autocompletition for skills
  • Parts of the plugin now may be reload at runtime, the goal is to make all configurations reloadable on the fly
  • Added yet another way how to create skills.

Example configuration:

Skills: [
    #This skill is equivalent of a javaskill
    # Id must be unique
    Id: "ntrpg:megabolt2"

    # The name of the skill.
    # Name may be changed per each skilltree, but there must not be multiple skills with the same name
    # skills may be executed via /skill <skill:id> or /skill <skill-name>
    Name: megabolt

    # Parent node defines if the skill is type of Active/passive - its requires to target an entity etc
    # Parent node may change which variables maz be referenced in the Script section.
    # Eg. Inheriting from active wont make accessible varible _target
    Parent: active

    # Skill types
    Skill-Types: [

    # If the skill may deal damage there must be node DamageType.
    # If the skill deals no damage to anyone (eg simple healing) this node should not be defined
    Damage-Type: "magic"

    # Optional node, some extra informations related to skills, skill lore can be found in ingame inventory menus
    Lore: [
    # Brief description of the skill, skill description can be found in some ingame inventory menus
    Description: "Damages nearby entities with a lightning strike"

    # Default config nodes you with to use, this section has to have all nodes, if you wish to execute skills via /nadmin command, otherwise it may be left empty
    Settings: {
        "damage": 10
        "damage_levelbonus": 5
        "range": 15
        "range_levelbonus": 1
        "mana": 10
        "mana_levelbonus": 10
    # How you with to load the skill, lets keep there js for now
    Loader: js

    # The bussines logic for a sklll
    # The script is called AFTER all validations such as mana pool check, cooldowns etc
    # If you need to debug anything simply call function log(<data>)
    # For more documentations check out wiki, or file
      var totalDamage = param("damage", _context);
      var totalRange = param("range", _context);

      for_each_nearby_enemy(_caster, totalRange, function(entity) {
              var location = get_location(entity);
              if (damage(_caster, entity, totalDamage, _context)) {
  • fixed lots of bugs related to inventory menus, skill execution etc..

  • Refactored large portion of skills which makes entire system more flexible.

  • Make some changes to prepare the plugin to allow skill packs (jar files) to be reloadable on the fly

  • Changed way how the plugin manages the database schema. If you are running mysql or postgres hibernate no longer generates tables automatically, this approach is generally more safe.

  • Bunch of another features which i already forgot about.

  • Added some placeholders which you can use together with placeholderapi

    • race - returns characters race
    • class - returns characters primary class
    • char_name - returns character name
    • primary_class_or_spec - returns a name of a primary class, or a highest tier of its specialization
    • primary_class_level - returns a level of a primary class
    • mana - returns current amount of mana
    • max_mana - returns maximal volume of manapool
  • Its now possible to configurate skills that they will cost specific amount of items to be casted.

    • If the player has not enough items to cast the skill its possible either deny the attempt to cast the spell, or adjust its configuration, for example change skill cooldown.
    • Its possible to define whenever the items should be removed from players inventory


InvokeCost {
      Items: [
            Amount: 10
            ItemType: "minecraft:paper"
            Consume: false
      Insufficient: [
          Id: "ntrpg:adjusted_skill_settings_value"
          Key: "cooldown"
          Value: "{{value}} + 25000"

You can grab skills here: (as usual you place the skills jar to the ntrpg config addons directory)

Very simple examples how to setup classes, races and skilltrees may be found here.

The documentation is lacking and due to complexity its not so easy to configure this correctly :( For more question reach me out on discord:

This release has no dependencies