Please read the following lines if you wish to download Ships Alpha
Ships (Bukkit and Sponge) has reasently been going though a whole rewrite of the plugin. At this current stage the Bukkit version is in full alpha while the Sponge version is still in PreAlpha. This means that the Ships plugin is very unstable at this point in time and the only reason why you can download it now is for testing and/or show-case reasons. It is not recommended at all to run this on a full time server.
Last but not least, Ships and above are designed with the SpongeAPI in mind and not Bukkit’s, this is because I wish to eventually make Sponge the main platform for Ships. Therefore Sponge will get some exclusive bonus content in the form of other plugins and will also get the updates first, however for this to happen the Sponge version of Ships needs to catch up
The first movement plugin for Sponge
Ships R1 have been removed from the Ships project to avoid confusion. Please enjoy R2
Common | Links |
Source code | Bukkit version |
Moving ships
As the name of the plugin suggests, you can create your own ship and move it with just a single click. Works with all blocks
There is a fully fledged list where you can configure each and every block to react differently for the ships, including being able to add a block type to interact with Ships, detect it as a collide and even not react at all. Teleport to ships
There have been many requests to be able to teleport to ships for not only this plugin but others like it. This feature has been added to Ships, however if it is something you do not wish, then you can disable to command by not adding the command. Falling Ships
Ships will fall/sink if requirements are not met, this could be done through your own interaction such as running out of fuel, or by something else such as a TNT explosion.
Ship types
Ship Type | Link |
Airship | Link |
Ship | Link |
Marsship | Link |
Submarine | Link |
The blocklist command allows you to view or set the materials in the ship. The blocklist allows you to modify how block types react with Ships.
/Ships blocklist view [block ids]
View how many blocks are in each section of the block list. A filter to the blocks can be applied by adding the block ids you wish to view at the end of the command.
/Ships blocklist set collidetype <collide type> <block ids>
Set the collidetype of the block types specified
Collide types:
Detect collide:
This means Ships will detect the block type as a colliding block and will cancel the ships movement.
This means Ships will detect the block as part of the ship if it is attached to a ship
This means the ship will not stop and crash into the blocks, destroying them. This is great for plants.
/ships info
Displays basic information about the ships version you are running
/ships shiptype create <shiptype - Cloneable only> <New shiptype name>
/ships shiptype create ships:airship OPShip
Allows the ability to create a copy of the specified type with a custom name. All options from the original ship type are applied to the custom ship type by default, however you can change them without affecting the original ship type.
/ships shiptype view
Allows the ability to view all custom ship types
/ships shiptype delete <custom ship type>
Allows the ability to delete custom ship types, this converts all ships of the specified ship type to the original ship type that the deleting ship type was cloned from.
/ships ship <ship id> track
Displays the specified ship’s structure as bedrock for a few seconds.
/ships ship <ship id> eot enabled <true/false>
Gets all EOT signs and activates / deactivates them
/ships ship <ship id> crew view
Displays all crew members and what permission level they have.
/ships ship <ship id> info
Displays information of the ship
Move Ships
ships.move.own.<ship type id>
Example: with airship
The move permission will allow the holder to move a ship of that type. Note that cloned versions of the specified type are not included, they have there own id. You can also include every ship type by not specifying a ship type
ships.move.other.<ship type id>
If you wish for someone to move someone elses ship (to allow hijacking or for admins) then you can by changing ‘own’ to ‘other’.
ships.make.<ship type id>
The make permission will allow the holder to create a license sign of the specified ship type. Much like the move permission, custom ship types that are based on the specified ship type are not included and must use its own id and that if you wish to be able to make every ship type then don’t specify one.
The remove permission will allow the holder to destroy anyone’s ships license sign. Note how this is only required if the holder wishes to destroy anyone elses ship, anyone can destroy there own ship.
The current command system is getting changed completely, only the info permission works for legacy commands.
This allows the holder to use the command ‘ships info’
This allows the holder to use the command ‘ships shiptype create’.
This allows the holder to set any value within the config file from command.