Enable maintenance mode with a custom maintenance motd and icon.



KennyTV released this version on Feb 17, 2021

135.1 KB

3.0.6 - February 17th 2021


  • Added maintenance schedule <minutes> <duration> command
    • This starts a timer for maintenance to be enabled, after which another timer will be started to disable it again (in contrast to starttimer and endtimer, which each only do one of)
  • Added command alias mt for the Maintenance command
  • Added secret argument to the whitelist add command: You can use maintenance add <uuid> <name> to add offline entries per command
  • The maintenance’s base command is now properly registered with a permission on each platform, so that it is excluded from tabcomplection to unauthorized players
  • Some improvements to the French language file (thanks to @Aurelien30000)
