PixelVip for api 5, 6, 7 and 8 on same jar
Video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD8XnE5jZz8
Spigot page with commands and images: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/pixelvip.30438/
Discord channel: https://discord.gg/VHTwk53
Dev Builds:
PixelVip is a plugin to manage vip on your server with easy commands, easy configuration and a lot of features:
- Compatible with all APIs in only ONE jar: Universal version;
- Generate Keys with quantity of usage for same Keys;
- Generate keys for commands, to give itens or permissions, or any type os commands;
- Allow more than one diferent Vip to be activated, and allow player to choose what use;
- Full syncronization between Spigot Bungee network;
- The time is counted on exact moment of activation and not at 00:00 of day. Your players will use 100% of your vip time ;)
- Configurable commands to run on change vip, remove vip and on vip finish;
- Commands to give extra itens based on % when the player use a key;
- The previous group of a player is stored, to on the end of vip, get back to your origin permission group;
- Hook with Vault to change the player group automatic;
- Strings 100% translatable;
- TAB completion for groups;
- The time counter is based on millis not needing the plugin to save the vip time every time to file;
Commands and Permissions:
[] = Needed {} = Optional
Player commands:
Command: /usekey [key]
Aliases: /usarkey
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.player
Description: To use a generated key to activate a vip;
Command: /viptime {player}
Aliases: /tempovip
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.player
Permission to see other player Vip Times: pixelvip.cmd.player.others
Description: If the player is vip, use to see the days left to end your vip or for other player with that other permission;
Command: /changevip [group]
Aliases: /changevip, /trocarvip
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.player
Description: To change to other vip, if the player has activated more than one key;
Admin commands:
Command: /newkey [group] [days] {uses}
Aliases: /gerarkey
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.newkey
Description: To generate a new key based on configuration lentgh and existing Vip groups, and optional amount of uses of same key;
Command: /newitemkey [cmd1, cmd2, …]
Aliases: /newikey, /gerarikey
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.newitemkey
Description: To generate a new ITEM key to give itens based on commands on use the key;
Command: /additemkey [key] [cmd1, cmd2, …]
Aliases: /addikey
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.additemkey
Description: To add items(commands) to existing VIPs keys and ITEM keys;
Command: /delkey [key]
Aliases: –
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.delkey
Description: To remove any type of generated key;
Command: /listkeys
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.listkeys
Description: To list all available Keys;
Command: /removevip [player vip] {group}
Aliases: /delvip
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.removevip
Description: To remove a vip of a player, or remove all vips of player (if more than one key activated and if {group} is not specified), and put the player back on previous group;
Command: /addvip [player] [group] [days]
Aliases: /givevip, /darvip
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.addvip
Description: To add a vip for player without key, giving the itens on activation. If used in an existing vip plan, the days will be added;
Command: /setvip [player] [group] [days]
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.setvip
Description: To add a vip for player without key and without send activation itens. This command is like a silent activation. If used in an existing vip plan, the days will be added;
Command: /pixelvip reload
Permission: pixelvip.cmd.pixelvip
Description: To reload the configuration from file;