New /negativity verif ! Now, there is a REAL verification of player ! Do /neg verif [duration time (default 10s)] [cheat…] Just: not all cheat are verified yet, but we are working on it !
The commands have been renamed (and they are all removable):
- negativity (alias: neg, n)
- nban (alias: ban)
- nunban (alias: unban)
- nmod (alias: mod)
- nlang (alias: lang)
- nreport (alias: report)
The alias will be used only if they is not another plugin that use the command.
- New translation: Czech Republic (cs_CZ) ! (Thanks to Disordeon#1824)
- Implement FakePlayer for sponge !
Updated :
- Translation system have been edited (new files, more messages…)
- Lot of optimization !
- Fly check
- 2 new forcefield checks
- Jesus check
Fix :
- TPS checking (was rounded to lower)
- Possible error while moving between world with opened inventory
- Some startup log warn message
- Teleport could create problem
- Some connection problem
Falses flags fixed :
- Fly with slime block
- Jesus when fight in water
- NoFall when jumping and placing block
- Forcefield while hitting boat