New detection :
- NoWeb
- Critical
- InventoryMove
- FastStairs
- NoSpam (included in ‘Chat’)
- NoFall (Upgrade)
- Sneak (Upgrade)
- Speed (Upgrade)
New feature: You can disable cheat when someone is LOOKING a specific block ! (Replace “left_click” or “right_click” to “looking” in “items” part)
False positive fixed :
- Some cheat when using GadgetMenu
- Spider (Jump Boost, Stairs)
- Fly (Riptide)
- Speed (Riptide, /speed essentials command)
- AirJump (Elytra, TnT jump)
- Nuker (With plants)
- Jesus (WaterLily)
Other :
- Fix configuration problem
- Some value doesn’t have default value
- Add cache for Player data
- Update Developer API (Adding CheatKeys to find easier Cheat)
- McLeaks detection for proxies (Bungeecord & Velocity)
- Minerate not always update
- Other improvements