A plugin to show player stats from a db


This plugin updates placeholders on signs.

Requires Anvil v0.2

Make sure to join our discord server if you have any questions or if you’d like to know more about our other plugins!

Available placeholders (more coming):

  • %name%
  • %nick%
  • %first_seen%
  • %last_seen%

Basic Sign Creation

First line: playername

Lines 2-4: any placeholder(s)

You can include any text or colors around the placeholders

Basic Sign Lines

The result is:

Basic Sign Result

To change the target player of the sign, use /st register <name>. You can always change the target player of a sign later.

Advanced Sign Creation

Lines 1-4: any placeholder(s)

You can include any text or colors around the placeholders

Advanced Sign Lines

You can register the sign to a player after making it. This is the result:

Advanced Sign Creation

Category: Miscellaneous

Published on Jul 22, 2020




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