Control what blocks/mobs can loot (items, experience, money), right-click to harvest; more to come


FastHarvest allows players to right-click crops to harvest them, and replant automatically the crop.

By default, FastHarvest is disabled (like all this plugin’s features). To enable it, go into the plugin’s configuration directory and open the fastharvest.conf file, then set enabled on true; that’s it!

You can find the default configuration here.

Now that you have enabled this feature, you can start configuring it.

drop_in_world specifies whether the drops should be placed in the world or directly on the player’s inventory.

tools.enabled specifies whether the other options of the tools category should be used.

tools.damage_on_use specifies whether the tool used should be damaged by one point.

tools.is_whitelist specifies whether the list is a whitelist or a blacklist. is a list of all tools that can be used to FastHarvest if tools.is_whitelist is true, or cannot be used if false. Note minecraft:air means an empty hand.

Category: Miscellaneous

Published on Jan 19, 2018




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