Ask questions and gain prize for the winner



Nocturne123 released this version on Jul 6, 2019

77.6 KB

Version 1.1.3

Tested with Sponge API 7 (MC 1.12.2)

Message changement

The message.conf file follow now HOCON format. I recommend you to do a copy and delete your file to let the plugin generate the new version, and replace the messages.

  • The path question.end.timer is now question.timer.end
  • The path reward.prize.announce is now reward.announce


  • You can give item with a custom name and lore. See the example in the default config. If a item have a custom name, his name will be display instead of his type in the prize announcement.
  • The number of proposition of a question can go up to 127.
  • You can add a delay between each answer with time-between-answer.

If you have an idea or you want to an idea to be made before the others, tell me !

This release has no dependencies