Plugin for restoring contents of a container after the specified time.



Niebek released this version on Apr 29, 2024

242.3 KB

Chest Refill-2.0.3 (1.16.5)

🛠️ This release has been tested with forge-1.16.5-36.2.39 and spongeforge-1.16.5-36.2.5-8.2.0-universal.

Release Notes


  • Language file is no longer generated inside serverdir/config/chestrefill/lang directory. Now, language file is taken directly from plugin’s jar file. However, you can still load language file from filesystem if you put it inside lang folder. It is useful if you want to develop your own translation and test it on the server. Refer to README file for more info.


  • Server not being stopped after issuing stop command. CR scheduled tasks are now properly stopped so that server can fully shutdown.

Thank you for using Chest Refill! 😁
