Plugin for restoring contents of a container after the specified time.



Niebek released this version on Apr 29, 2024

242.0 KB

Chest Refill-2.0.2 (1.16.5)

🛠️ This release has been tested with forge-1.16.5-36.2.39 and spongeforge-1.16.5-36.2.5-8.2.0-universal.

Release Notes


  • Bstats. I would be very thankful if you could enable metrics for Chest Refill! ❤️
  • Container indestructibility. You can now make container indestructible via /cr set_indestructible <true|false> command.
  • Changing container hiding block via command. Simply use /cr set_hiding_block <blockstate> and right click the desired container. Remember that hiding block is used only when hidden_if_no_items is set to true.
  • Open message can now be deleted via /cr set_open_message command when you don’t pass any parameter to it.
  • RemoveCommand now accepts an optional container_name parameter. When you pass container name to the command, the container will be removed directly without the need for clicking it.
  • More translatable strings in lang file.
  • Better exception message on why container could not be refilled.


  • Container open message sometimes gave crashes.
  • RefillCommand not properly handling container name parameter.

Thank you for using Chest Refill! 😁
