Add a little extra to your Pixelmon experience - PokeBuilder, ArcPlates, Modifier Tokens, and more!



FusionDev released this version on Oct 13, 2020

262.6 KB

FusionPixelmon v1.10 is out - and it’s a big one!

Note to users of previous FusionPixelmon Sponge plugin versions: If you’ve used the FusionPixelmon Sponge plugin v1.9 or older, join our discord to download the DataMigrator plugin in the #data channel to migrate the ArcPlate data. More information can be found here:

What’s New?

  • Updated to Pixelmon Reforged 8.1.2 and SpongeForge 7.3.0!

  • Multiplatform The plugin is now available in multiplayer on Sponge and Spigot/Bukkit and in singleplayer on Forge. Note: Avoid using the FusionPixelmon Forge mod on multiplayer - it hasn’t been tested and may cause issues. On servers/multiplayer, please use the Sponge or Spigot plugin instead.

  • PokeDesigner New Moves shop in the PokeDesigner to modify your Pokemon’s moves - of course! Improved Nickname shop for a better shopping experience.

  • Modifier Tokens Token items to modify specific aspects of your Pokemon. Server admins can give these to players as rewards or in loot chests.

  • PokeShrine Pickup Ilex Shrines have been added and can only be picked up by diamond axes. Other Shrines, Chalices, and Altars can now only be picked up by with diamond pickaxes.

  • PokeShrine Locking (Sponge & Spigot) To prevent other players from picking up your shrines, you can now right click with an empty hand on a placed shrine to lock it from being picked up by other players. This is useful for public server shrines for player use and personal shrines within your faction.

  • ArcPlates Hovering (Sponge & Spigot) This is a purely cosmetic feature that displays a halo of plates around your Arceus, based on the ArcPlates in storage. Hovering plates are aligned and locked facing North/South for visual reasons.

  • ArcPlates Data Data files are now ~67% smaller so saves more space on your server. Also if an Arceus is traded/sold to another player, they will have access to that Arceus’ ArcPlates.

  • Removed bStats metrics integration introduced in v1.10
