Player Analytics, Sponge/Bukkit/Bungee/Velocity support



AuroraLS3 released this version on Aug 23, 2018

6.2 MB

Change log 4.4.4


  • /plan m uninstalled [id/name] command to mark servers as uninstalled
    • Marking a server uninstalled stops BungeeCord from attempting to connect to it
    • Re-installed servers will be connected to automatically
  • Two config options for ping gathering delays, server start delay and login delay
  • AdvancedBan support by Vankka


  • Removed DataContainerCache as it was causing large memory usage on networks
  • HikariCP updated to 3.2.0
  • Connection: close added to outbound HTTP connections
  • Reduced player page generation delay from 20s to 5s on login and logout
  • Caches now cleared on disable
  • Network page updated less frequently (Now when you view the page & periodically)
  • Attempt to clean ping data with a filter 0 < ping <= 4000ms
  • Improved ping gathering by changing average to mean
  • AFK ignore permission checked less frequently


  • Fixed Sponge metrics
  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException related to SessionsMutator
  • Fixed player online status on server switch on networks
  • Fixed longest world time calculation on session accordion
  • Fixed active sessions not displaying on server page
  • Fixed relative links in server.html for FullCalendar.js (Only bug when using a subdirectory rewrite rule on redirection)
  • Fixed Exception when disabling the plugin on server shutdown
